Evolution of the Organic Market in France: Statistics and Analysis

Evolution of the Organic Market in France: Statistics and Analysis

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General Trends in the Organic Market

  1. Growth in 2020: The organic market experienced notable growth in 2020, with an increase of over 12%, reaching close to 13 billion euros. This growth reflects an increased awareness and interest in organic products among French consumers, driven by perceived benefits for health and the environment​​.

  2. Decline in 2022: In 2022, the trend shifted with a 4.6% decrease in purchases of organic food products, bringing the market down to 12 billion euros. This decline occurred in the context of a general decrease in household food consumption, influenced by inflation. Despite this decrease, at-home consumption continues to dominate organic purchases, comprising 92% of the total, while collective and commercial catering account for 5% and 3% of purchases, respectively​​.

Évolution de la part des ventes du bio en france

At-Home Consumption vs. Catering

  • At-Home Consumption: In 2022, at-home consumption generated 92% of organic purchases, highlighting the importance of this channel in the organic market. Despite the decline, this segment remains predominant, reflecting the French consumers' shopping habits favoring organic products for personal consumption​​.

  • Collective and Commercial Catering: The market for organic products in catering experienced a significant increase of 17% in 2022, reaching 715 million euros excluding taxes. This segment includes both collective catering, with an increase of 18% (445 million euros), and commercial catering, which saw its purchases increase by 16% (270 million euros). Collective catering represents 7% of its organic purchases, while commercial catering accounts for 1%, indicating a growth lever for organics in these sectors​​.

Évolution de la part des ventes du bio en france (restauration)

Implications and Perspectives

  • Impact of Inflation: Inflation played a role in the decline of organic consumption in 2022, although organic products were less affected by this price increase compared to the average of all food products. This resilience suggests that consumers remain committed to the quality and values associated with organics, despite economic constraints​​.

  • Diverse Performance by Sector: Different segments of the organic market experienced varied performances, with notable growth in organic wine sales contrasting with declines in other categories such as meats and fruits. This diversity reflects the specific dynamics of each sector and underscores the importance of tailoring development strategies to the particularities of each product​​.

The evolution of the organic market in France shows increasing complexity, influenced by economic factors, consumer habits, and specific sector dynamics. While the sector experienced a setback in 2022, the fundamentals of organics remain strong, with growth prospects in segments like collective and commercial catering representing significant development opportunities for the future of organics in France.


Data Source : Agence BIO / ANDI

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